Thursday, June 23, 2011

Theodore 6 Months and counting!

I can't believe my little love bug is 6 months old today!

Wow...6 months fly by when you have a toddler and a baby. I don't know what it is....but I LOVE this little bald baby boy of mine.

This little boy, that past month has learned to roll to get to where he wants to go. He has found his voice, and thank goodness its not as loud as Charlene's. :) He loves his jumper and gets some SERIOUS air in that sucker! He is growing a little peach fuzz hair. He is up to 3.5 oz bottles. The past 2 weeks he has learned to self sooth and is now taking naps 100% of the time in his bassinet and will start the night out in it, but around 11pm for his first feeding ends up coming to bed with us. Luckily, he has learned not to kick us in his sleep otherwise he gets kicked out of bed. :) He weighs 14 lbs now and is about to start on baby food. :)

And of course we can clown a little bit for his 6 month photos. :)

1 comment:

  1. ahh love all the pictures! your camera rocks. and so does your family :)
